One of the most common questions about liposuction has to do with the recovery that follows the procedure. It is extremely important with any surgery to gather as much information about the entire process from pre-surgery to the recovery stage. Having adequate knowledge of the recovery process prior to the surgery can make the post surgical step much easier to manage.

Liposuction Recovery in the Short-Term

The entire procedure, from the time you enter the surgical facility until you leave, will take anywhere from one to five hours. The exact duration depends on the extent of the liposuction and some other factors. Most procedures of this nature are done with local anesthesia but someone will need to drive you home.

You can expect pain and swelling is expected in the treated area for at least a few days. The treated area will most likely be quite tender and often patients are recommended to wear supportive garments to aid with the recovery process and promote healing. Patients may experience minor pain that may linger for a few weeks after the procedure. If the pain does not subside after a few days consult your surgeon of the pain you are experiencing.

Liposuction Recovery in the Long-Term

The area which received treatment will be swollen only revealing the more slender results of your liposuction procedure after 7-10 days. It may take about two weeks for the final results to show, however, overall soreness may take up to 6 weeks. For most patients it is safe to get back to work after a week of recovery, unless your job involves a lot of physical labor. It may take as long as six months to see the full effects of liposuction become clear.

Simple tips for a more comfortable recovery.

  • Stay hydrated to lessen swelling.
  • Eat a low-sodium diet.
  • Rest until you are sure that you can work.
  • Massage the treated area gently in order to maintain good circulation.

Breast Lift in nashville, tn

In recent years breast lifts have become one of the most popular breast surgeries. In a breast lift procedure, the surgery reshapes and raises sagging breasts and implants can be used combined with breast lift to increase both size and firmness. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS) there were over 90,000 breast lift procedures in 2013, in the US. It is important to understand the entire process of any surgery, which is why board certified plastic surgeons from Nashville, TN have provided some simple “Dos and Don’ts” to follow during breast lift recovery.


  • Drinking more water and cutting back on salt intake can reduce post-breast-lift swelling. Light exercise, such as, walking can also help reduce swelling.
  • Keep wearing bandages or a surgical bra for several days after your breast lift.
  • The dressing from the incision should be kept dry until the incision lines have closed, which means that you will need to take sponge baths for the first few days.
  • Walking soon after your breast lift surgery is important because it can decrease the risk of developing a potentially blood clot.
  • Women that develop back pain or muscle spasm should use a heating pack on your back and have a friend or family member massage your back.
  • Taking your nausea medications one hour before your antibiotics and/or pain medication can lessen the extent of nausea.
  • Applying heavy lotion around your breasts and abdominal area will lessen the skin dryness that follows surgery.


  • Refrain from sexual intercourse for one or two weeks after the surgery.
  • For the first three to five weeks make sure to avoid heavy physical activities, including heavy lifting, bending, reaching over shoulder, and jogging.
  • Do not wear bras with underwire for the first few weeks because they often cut into your incisions and could push your breasts to set in a location too high.
  • Avoid using public pools, jacuzzi’s, or going into the ocean for at least 4 weeks after surgery.

Contact a board certified plastic surgeon near you for more information about the recovery process for breast lift surgery.


otoplasty in saratoga, ca

Otoplasty, also known as ear surgery, is an aesthetic procedure that alters the size, position and proportion of the ears. This corrective procedure is popular among adults and children alike. The human ear is fully developed at around 5 years and that is the youngest age that patients are able to get the corrective procedure. Generally this procedure is done for a few reasons:

  • if the patient is born with overly large or small ears
  • the ears are disproportionate to your head or oddly placed
  • your ears stick out prominently
  • after an injury that has negatively impacted the shape or positioning of your ears

The results of the procedure vary based on the corrections that are desired, but this procedure commonly improves self-confidence. Last year, over 24,000 Otoplasty procedures were done in the US and 90% of the patients who had ear surgery said the procedure was worth it.

There are different procedures that fall under Otoplasty, depending on the patients needs:

  • Ear Pinning is done when the patient has protruding ears that stick out. The incision is made behind the ear to reshape the cartilage and remove excess skin. The incisions are then closed with non-removable stitches or sutures.
  • Reconstructive Otoplasty is required for deformities or injuries, such as, burns, lacerations, infected or torn piercings. Reconstructive procedures blends a variety of surgical techniques and to recreate a natural-looking ear. In several cases, cartilage can be removed from the ribs to augment the ear and if a skin graft is necessary, tissue is usually transferred from the upper buttock area.
  • Bilateral Otoplasty is required when correction is needed when both pinning and reshaping is required for one or both ears.
  • Ear Reduction is done when the size of the ear is larger in proportion to the head. During the procedure, the doctor will remove unwanted cartilage and skin and reshape the ear to create a smaller size.

Most otoplasty procedures are outpatient procedures, with final results visible after 2 weeks. Many patients notice small changes that can occur for up to 12 months after the surgery, with results lasting indefinitely. Contact a local plastic surgeon to find out if this procedure is right for you.


At puberty, most men and women are ashamed to talk about their changing bodies, especially if they start to notice anything that may be abnormal. When it comes to our mental sanity about our bodies, all women have wished they could change something – often times the first thing women want to change is their breasts. Most women think their breasts are either too small, not perky enough, too saggy, the nipples are too big or breasts just look asymmetrical. However, most people are unaware of the fact that some of these traits are symptoms of structural abnormality during the growth of your breasts called tuberous breasts.

tuberous breasts dr naidu in New York

When your breasts are developing there is a stymie and the breasts are unable to develop normally and fully. The exact cause of tuberous breasts is unclear, however, a study done on the cells of breasts in men and women with tubular breasts suggest that it is due to a genetic link in collagen deposition. The actual number of tubular breast cases is unknown because every patient does not seek help for correcting this issue, however, 5% of breast augmentation patients come in to treat this condition.

Tuberous breasts most often appear underdeveloped, not simply small, however, the appearance can range from mild to severe. Typical characteristics of tubular breasts are enlarged/ puffy areola, unusually wide spacing between the breasts, minimal breast tissue, sagging, higher than normal breast fold and narrow base at the chest wall.

Most tubular breast patients in New York don’t know that  the condition can affect the ability of women to breastfeed because the glands that produce milk are not developed enough to produce breast milk. The psychological effects of this condition can lead to psychosexual problems and abnormal social behavior. If you would like to learn more about tuberous breast surgery contact a board certified plastic surgeon specializing in breast surgery.

Eyelid surgery or Blepharoplasty has become popular among patients because this simple surgery completely changed the look of their eyes and subsequently their face. Patients have noticed they look rested, their eyes look bigger and their face looks more youthful.

Along with cosmetic reasons for having eyelid surgery there are also functional reasons for getting eyelid surgery. Some eyelid surgery patients had trouble seeing anything in the upper field of vision. Often times these patients needed to tilt their head up to see properly. If this is something you have experienced, than most likely you are a good candidate for this procedure.

There are two different types of eyelid surgery, upper eyelid and lower eyelid surgery. Upper eyelid surgery is done to correct dropping eyelids and consists of removing the excess fat, skin and muscle from the upper eyelid area. Lower eyelid surgery is done to remove the fat deposits under the lower eyelid. Usually your plastic surgeon will make the incision either on the inside of the lid or on the outside right on the lower eyelash line to remove the excess fat. This surgery is performed with local anesthesia because it is necessary for the patient to be awake during the procedure.

Recovery for an upper eyelid or lower eyelid surgery is quite minimal for a surgery. The most discomfort will be experienced over the first few days and nights with some swelling and bruising, most patients will notice the bruising and swelling will be resolved after 10-14 days. Plastic surgeons in Atlanta say that returning to work  and normal activity, as well as application of contacts and makeup will be possible after 2 weeks.

Find out if this procedure is right for you by contacting a board certified plastic surgeon and discussing your goals with them.

Eyelid Surgery in Atlanta

Blepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid surgery, is a plastic surgery procedure that corrects defects and deformities of the eyelid. Eyelid surgery is the 3rd most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in 2013 and has been in the top 5 procedures for over 10 years.  Recently, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons came out with a report that states that there were over 215,000 eyelid procedures in 2013, boosting it’s popularity by 6% from 2012. There are two main types of eyelid surgery: upper eyelid and lower eyelid surgery.

Eyelid-Surgery-Diagram-2Upper Eyelid Surgery

Upper eyelid surgery removes fatty deposits that appear as puffiness in the upper eyelids. This procedure almost immediately restores a youthful appearance that will accentuate your eyes, in addition to looking more rested and alert. The incision is made along the crease of your upper eyelid, which allows for the scars to be hidden by the crease.

Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower eyelid surgery is done to remove excess skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the lower eyelid. This procedure is a great option for those who have developed unsightly eye bags in the lower eyelid area, restoring more youthful and rested look to your eyes. The incision is made  in the interior surface of the lower eyelid, which allows for the scars to be completely hidden.

These two outpatient procedures take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours to complete and major swelling and bruising will subside in 1 to 2 weeks. Some of the results of eyelid surgery are permanently corrected, however, our body will continue to age naturally. Protecting your skin from sun damage and exposure will prolong the results of the procedure. The patients who have had this surgery are quite happy with the results, giving eyelid surgery a 80% worth it rating on

The Facelift procedure or Rhytidectomy was the the 5th  most popular procedure in 2012.  A facelift will eliminate wrinkles, remove sagging skim, lift sunken eyes, restore the neck and chin, as well as redefine the jaw line.

Check out the informative infographic provided by plastic surgeons in Atlanta to learn more.


facelift procedures in Atlanta


If you have not heard already, the founder of a French company, Polo Implant Prothese, and four of his former employees were found guilty last spring of aggravated fraud. The New York Times article states Jean-Claude Mas, 74, has been sentenced to four years in prison for selling hundreds of thousands of defective breast implants tin more than 65 countries world-wide. The court has found that the company used a less expensive, industrial-grade silicone to fill implants for a decade. The implants subsequently rupture at a much high rate than the industry norm, leaking silicone into body tissues.

More than 16,000 women have had their implants removed since the scandal emerged in 2010. About 300,000 women around the world received the implants.

In light of this story, it has become even more important to be aware of not only the products you put into your body but also the surgeon performing a breast augmentation on your body. It is no surprise that a breast augmentation or breast lift is a popular procedure. Because of this the ASAPS, American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery continuously and frequently advises consumers on the importance of having a board certified plastic surgeon perform your procedures. According to this news release, ASAPS advises consumers to “do their homework when choosing a physician, and while spas and salons are convenient for cosmetic medical treatments, convenience should never outrank safety and expertise when having a medical procedure.”

Finding a plastic surgeon that is board certified in your area is not difficult to do. Simply by searching board certified plastic surgeons in your area or going to ASAPS’ website will lead you to a surgeon that you feel safe with performing surgery on your body. For example, this New York plastic surgery practice not only offers multiple pages and guides on breast augmentations to breast reduction but also lists her entire CV on the site so it is clear to the visitor; this New York female plastic surgeon is not a fraud and adequately trained in her expertise. It is obvious her expertise is performing breast augmentation in New York but also performing less common breast procedures such as breast asymmetry, male breast reduction or Tuberous Breast Surgery.

The importance of doing your research when it comes to performing surgical or non-surgical procedures on your body has become exponentially important in the recent years because of the rise of fraudulent practices coming to light. The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has specific “Patient Safety Tips” for consumers who are looking to find a board-certified plastic surgeon. Credentials and experience is important; if you’d like to find more about why you should select a board-certified plastic surgeon for your breast augmentation you can visit the Patient Safety Tips from ASAPS.


Plastic and cosmetic surgery continues to gain good and bad connotations. Plastic surgery, a more general term, is used all around the world daily from cosmetic procedures to reconstructive procedures. I have never personally had any plastic surgery done but there are obvious downsides to plastic surgery such as downtime, pain, and possible side effects. These are all factors that must be discussed before the actual procedures because they are dangerous but there are also benefits that might be worth the risk. The benefits of plastic surgery are limitless. Because plastic surgeons are incredibly talented and educated, they have the ability to recreate almost anything. A recent Huffington Post article titled “Plastic Surgery Miracles” dives below the surface to shed light on some really amazing plastic surgery procedures such as Katie Piper, whom thanks to stem cell and plastic surgery has regained some of her sight after becoming partially blind during a sulphuric acid attack. Another miraculous plastic surgery operation was of a hand transplant on a 51 year old man who has become the first person in the UK to have a hand transplant. Plastic surgery gets a bad rap here and there mostly because of really bad horror stories. Of course there are going to be horror stories and really awful plastic surgery results but these benefits are definitely worth it. Read on for more detailed stories of how these plastic surgery procedures can changes lives.


Aesha Mohammadzai is a beautiful young woman from Afghanistan. At just 19 years old she was subject to torture and mutilation when her nose and ears were hacked off by her Taliban husband and in-laws after fleeing her forced marriage. You might recognize her from a very famous cover of TIME Magazine in a special titled “What Happens if We Leave Afghanistan” by Aryn

Baker. Within the article, Aesha tells a very tragic and somber story of her forced marriage and subsequent abuse from not only her husband but also his family. One day the mental and physical abuse just became too much for her so she ran away. Shortly after she was caught, she recalls the event very well, “They caught me and put me in jail for five months. When I came out the judge sent me back to my husband. That night they took me to the mountains. They tied my hands and feet. They said my punishment was to cut my nose and ears. And then they started to do it.” Having passed out through pain and shock, Aesha came to in her own blood. She managed to walk to her village where her father took her to the hospital. Aesha has been since living with a host family in America and is being treated by doctors in Maryland. Her reconstruction surgery consists of nose reconstruction, tissue expansion, and rhinoplasty. Aesha initially was treated with gradual tissue transplants taken from other parts of her body. These tissue transplants will allow surgeons to piece together a new nose for Aesha. She also has gone through tissue expansion on her forehead, a procedure used for skin reconstruction that allows surgeons grow skin for reconstruction purposes. During tissue expansion, saline is injected in pockets beneath the skin, over time the amount of saline is increased slowly causing the area to swell and the skin to stretch. The excess skin can then be transplanted elsewhere where necessary. After her transplant is successful, she will then have revision rhinoplasty to ensure function and cosmetic appearance of her new nose. In December 2012, she was half way through her reconstructive procedure and has since become a symbol of hope for women suppressed by the Taliban, urgi

ng women to “never give up and don’t lose hope,” that “what happened, it’s part of me, part of my life and its all the time in my mind and with me. But I have to live and I have to love”.

Breast Cancer

Our next story is more recent but with similar connotations of women’s strength. In this next story we will examine how plastic surgery helped Angelina Jolie rise above breast cancer. Angelina Jolie’s mother, Marcheline Bertraind, had passed away in 2007 from ovarian cancer at the age of 56. Angelina Jolie is only 37 years old, with six children, 3 adopted and 3 biological. Angelina Jolie describes her decision in a New York Times Op-Ed piece titled “My Medical Choice”. Here she describes in detail her exact reasons for her choice: her children. Jolie’s mother passed away from ovarian cancer in 2007, realizing breast and ovarian cancer can be inherited she quickly ran to the doctors. Jolie discovered she carried a “faulty” gene; the BRCA1 gene sharply increases a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Her doctors estimated that she had an 87% risk of developing breast cancer and a 50% risk of developing ovarian cancer, though the risk is different in each woman. Breast cancer affects women on a daily basis, while only a fraction of breast cancer cases result from an inherited gene mutation, those with a defect in BRCA1 have a 65% risk of developing it. Of course this diagnosis and risk factors are not sure-fire but once Jolie knew this was her reality she knew she needed to be proactive and thus decided to have a preventative double mastectomy and breast reconstruction. In Jolie’s piece she explains further her choice for having preventive surgery, her reason: her children.  She describes how her and her children often talk about “mommy’s mommy” where she finds it incredibly difficult to explain the illness that took her away. They asked if the same could happen to her and indeed it could have. Through perseverance and bravery, on February 2nd Jolie began her journey. It began with a procedure called a “nipple delay” which rules out disease in the breast ducts behind the nipple and draws extra blood flow to the area. According to Jolie, this causes some pain and a lot of bruising, but it increases the chance of saving the nipple. A few weeks later, Jolie began the major surgery, where her breast tissue is removed while temporary fillers are put in place. Nine weeks later Jolie’s final surgery was completed. She opted for immediate breast reconstruction with an implant, similar to breast augmentation, and believes her results are beautiful. To me, Jolie’s story is full of bravery, courage, and most importantly love for her children and family. It symbolizes women’s strength in a way only women can feel.

Plastic surgery gets a bad rap….

Especially from celebrities such as Lindsey Lohan and Amanda Bynes stating they are “addicted to cosmetic surgery”. However, plastic and cosmetic surgery really can change lives, from women wanting to gain back their self-confidence and body image post-pregnancy with a mommy makeover or a tummy tuck to men who have been bullied for gynecomastia and seek male breast reduction. People who have the strength to lose massive amounts of weight to be healthier can choose post-bariatric surgery to remove potential health hazards from resulting excess skin. Plastic surgery is used everywhere and can not only change one’s appearance but certainly change their lives.

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