If you are a parent who has a teenager, chances are that your son or daughter has vocalized opinions

teenage rhinoplasty nose job atlanta

This teen gets a nose job that helped her feel more confident.

about their body. On a daily basis teenagers are confronted with the social pressures of fitting in and getting teased about their growing body. These pressures often come from this culture of looking perfect, which is largely because of celebrity idolization and wanting to look just like them.

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is the most common procedure among young adults. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 30,600 teenagers had a Rhinoplasty in the US last year. While many people are apprehensive about a teenager getting any form of plastic surgery, Atlanta surgeons have seen the impact a Rhinoplasty can make in younger patients lives.

When a young patient is seriously interested in a nose job, the most important factor is the maturity of the face. A Rhinoplasty can not be performed on a patient unless his or her nose has fully developed because the surgery could affect its natural growth and ultimately alter the results of the surgery. In most cases, boys achieve full facial growth at 14, and 16 years old for girls.

Maturity of the patient is also important because even with all the benefits of a Rhinoplasty, including a boost in self confidence, this surgery will not drastically change their lives and repair low self esteem. Choosing a board certified surgeon who will discuss these factors with your son or daughter is important because the surgeon can talk to them about having realistic expectations about the results. In addition to that, a Rhinoplasty surgeon can determine whether the young patient has the maturity to have plastic surgery.



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